an interview with myself, by myself

Who are you?
My name is Theresa Farah Umaratih, but everyone calls me Raras. I am a 16-year-old graphic design student at UIC (Unisadhuguna International College). I am also taking an art integrity program, and several other non-academic art classes. Other than that, I am you, obviously.
Why did you create this blog?
To make recording my creative process easier? To look professional? To brag? The threat of not passing? Your pick.
What inspired you to join the visual arts and graphic design scene?
Mainly, I enjoy it. I love being creative, whether it's to solve a problem or as self-expression. Second, I think that innovation is what makes us human. Once we lose the will to create, we lose the will to survive.
What inspires you in general?
Anything. I believe every single thing in the world has something different to offer. I could be walking down the street and see a maze of cracks and crevices in the sidewalk. Or I could be riding a train and wonder about the blur of human stories passing by at hundreds of kilometres per hour. I think people are very interesting. You see repeating patterns in people, and yet they're all so different in their own ways. Contradictions are also fun. For example, I see myself as both a nihilist and an optimist. I love making sense out of nonsense, seeing humour in things people wouldn't normally find funny.
The key to being inspired is to simply find everything interesting.
What's with "artedelic"?
It's a combination between "art" and "psychedelic". To me, art isn't just about drawing or making pretty things, but a complex combination of sights, sounds, feelings, sensations, experiences, the rational and irrational, likening it to a psychedelic experience.