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Cosmetician and Computer Scientist - They Both Start With C's!

Max Factor and Larry Tesler are both underrated male icons who have contributed a lot to society. Max Factor was one of the first people to commercialise makeup, whereas Larry Tesler invented the cut, copy and paste option. Both of them have greatly contributed to society from behind the scenes. However, that is where the similarities end. Factor is a cosmetician, whereas Tesler is a computer scientist. Whereas Max Factor started his own company in 1909, Tesler worked for big-name companies such as Apple, Yahoo! And Amazon. Factor died in 1938, while Tesler is still alive today. While they are different in so many ways, both of them have improved our daily life in more ways than one.


This short paragraph was a writing practice. We had to write a compare/contrast paragraph concerning our top two not-so-iconic icons of choice. Here are my drafts:

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster it's Friday.

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