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Blend Tool, Hexagons, and Ambiguous Notes

Behold the Blend tool!

The Blend Tool is useful when you want to merge two objects together, but somehow make it artistic with gradients and shit.

Me likey.

To Blend objects together, just select the Blend tool and click the first object, then the second one.

We practiced using the Blend tool on hexagons. To colour the compartments seperately, double click to enter individual selection mode.

A little note I made on the side on how to make the hexagons. Remind myself to make little notes more often so I can remember what I did at the time. I have a horrible memory.

The hexagon exercise also involved Pathfinder tools. So THAT'S what they're for.

Another little note I made about Swatch libraries:

Very useful because I often find way too many colours in my Swatch library, some of which I do not care for.

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