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Fooling Around, Sleepy Ramblings and the Final Results - "It's Urgent" Poster Parody

So I printed the parody poster four times: the first time was because I misheard the due date and submitted it a week early (and with the wrong size nonetheless). The second time was alright, but the "oh my god I want to pee now" feel could be emphasised a little bit more, and the first T wasn't cut right, which led to a Photoshopping party last Thursday night. A bunch of us went to Wendy's to celebrate THE END OF CONTEXTUAL SAY WHAAAA and yeah, we ended up bloating Kelvin's head. It's art, I'm telling you.

Ain't nobody can resist a headless man.

Who needs eyes when you've got ears and a nose. The moles did it, so can you.


Kelvin wanted to liquify his own head. Faza and I sat by and snorted ice cream out of our nostrils.

This is precious gold and should be a passport photo.

Kidding aside, I did a second photoshoot. Unfortunately, Kelvin's black shirt was washed that day but fuck you, challenge accepted, we'll make this work.

Attempt numero uno. Solid Colour on selected area. Shitty.

Let's give up for a while and move onto our second specimen. Her torso was looking a bit too large for her legs so I used the Perspective Transform tool.

And then I experimented a bit with Replace Color..., which sort of works like the Magic Wand tool with a little bit extra. So it takes you to this window where you can click on any part of the image, and it looks for areas with similar colour, and selects them. Then you can go in and replace the colours or something. It didn't really work out in my case because I was trying to get rid of the white stripes ("dum dumdum dum duumm... duuuuuum"), but every time I'd select that part it'd select parts of his face as well. And if I selected the black stripes instead, it would select the pants along. So, Replace Color, shitty in this situation.

And then I got desperate and went in with a brush. In the end I just cut the new head onto the old body.

Let's forget that for a moment and move onto revamping the neon thing. Basically creating another vector and filling that one in, played around with brushes, fills, different layer blends and colours like I've been doing in the last few posts.

Anyway, as I was saying earlier, I printed it three times (damn expensive). The third time, everything was fine except for this small blotch of white on Kelvin's face!

Turns out that was leftover brushing. I had moved him around a bit and while it fit his previous position, it got in the way of his current one. So I hunted around the layers for that one blotch and turns out it was in Faza's layer. This is why you should keep your layers in order. Label and group them accordingly. You could've saved about five minutes of panicking. And double check before you print. Good lord.

So here are my final prints:

The digital version is a bit blurred but the print turns out fine. And if you look closely there is one small mistake there that I had made a mental note of to fix but forgotten about. So yes. This is a game of spot the mistake. Spot the human error. Spot the typical Raras thang. Screw that.

Original poster:

Depressing comments aside (and this was supposed to be a happy post!) I think I did alright, in this assignment and in the class.

Although there were a few things that could be improved still, I definitely noticed a huge progress. I learned a lot of techniques, some that even my classmates did not learn about, like how to neon-ify objects, lighting effects, puppet warping, how to adjust strokes and widths, and so on and so forth. You could say that I taught myself a third of the class. YouTube plays a large part in that---I don't think I'd stay sane if a bunch of Photoshopping devils hadn't uploaded tutorials on there, so thanks to all of you. You know who you are. So if we're talking about technique alone, I'd say that I've been quite successful.

Did I enjoy this class? Immensely. The atmosphere was very laidback. We'd do our work while listening to music, and the assignments were pretty fun. At first I thought Digital Image Manipulation should've been a second-term thing, because it was a foundation class and would greatly aid future classes, but now I kinda see the term three appeal. At the risk of sounding like a kiss-ass, it was a refreshing break from the other classes. You could probably tell from the number of posts I've written for this class, and its contents---a combination of lunacy and sleepiness and, well, it's a train of thought.

That said, I did express a wish to revamp my first assignment---the iconic character one? And my lecturer and I agreed that I could, as long as I set my own deadline. It feels like a personal project, which is great.

Overall, I really did enjoy this class. I wish it could be extended over a few terms---I feel like we've barely scratched the surface even with two digital classes underway (and more to come). It was fun, it was refreshing, and even though it did cause me to lose sleep just like our other classes, I enjoyed discovering new nooks and crannies in something as simple as a program. So I would like to end this term on a positive note, with a very cheesy wave of the handkerchief and blow of the wind.

Ladies and gentlemen, auf wiedersehen, Raras over and out.

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