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Final Assignment "Jogja" - Specular and Diffused Lighting, Object and Model Photography

For our final Intro to Photography class, we were asked to submit four photos---two with hard light, two with soft light, and from those there are two model photographs and two object (or product) photographs.


Introducing Gia, who is one heck of a model. In fact, almost every single one of her shots is usable. Gia, if you ever quit graphic design I suggest you take a career in modelling, ASAP. The one above is taken with diffused lighting (soft light).

And the one above is taken in hard light (specular lighting). Notice the intense shadows. I had her face sideways and put her arm out to emphasise that shadow.


"Awas Eling Ojo Dobleh" (be careful, don't pout) is a play on the verse "Awas Eling Ojo Dumeh" (be careful, don't be arrogant). The photograph above is taken in specular light (hard light). The light is covered with a thin sheet of rice paper and the wayang is positioned in front of it. The result is this shadow puppet shot.

And this one is diffused lighting (soft light). Notice the slight shimmer on the wayang, and the vivid colours. Those are the characteristics of diffused lighting photography.

I will do a post detailing the concept and test shots behind these, but for now, here are the final results!

I think I learned quite a few things in this class, and I really enjoyed how my final shots turned out. The concept is solid and playful, and emphasises on not only the cultural aspects of Jogja but also the social aspects. Stay tuned for full coverage on that!

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